Electricity Wastage

    Overuse of energy in society has a significant negative influence on the environment, notably in the form of increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Energy misuse is frequent in public venues such as workplaces, schools, colleges, hospitals, and other institutions. The cause might be a lack of understanding or a shift in behaviour. This has to be in contradiction with SDG 17, which is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. As a result, in order to contribute to this issue, I intend to find best practices in efficient energy consumption and educate myself in order to raise awareness among others. Purchasing electrical devices with excellent energy efficiency is another way the community can help this cause.

    We can help reduce energy usage without sacrificing accessibility by boosting initiatives that promote improvements in efficient energy use. However, for those struggling to make ends meet, the scenario may be different, as not everyone can afford new technological equipment. For those with low salaries in particular, financial issues might be a barrier. This is because appliances that use less energy might occasionally cost more than standard models. However, if we start with a tiny portion of the population, we can steadily minimise electricity waste.

    Education on this topic will become increasingly crucial as the population grows. It is possible to educate everyone about energy waste reduction. There are several strategies to raise awareness of this issue, including social media commercials, awareness weeks in schools, and setting a good example by turning off electronic devices when not in use. People around us will gradually follow our lead. Although I feel that not everyone will fully embrace this topic, I believe that the modest improvements we make may have a significant influence on the environment.


    Finally, I would like to say that I have no doubt that Malaysia will be able to resolve this problem. Thanks to the government's initiatives to lower energy use here. The government's installation of solar panels is one example of a proactive approach to dealing with this issue. I am aware that Malaysia has made a wise decision, which is a great step towards sustainability. I hope that our planet will thrive and that future generations can benefit from the advantages of the steps we are taking today to change our lifestyles.

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